Indian pariah dog breed, History, Appearance, Characteristics full information 2022

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Indian pariah dog breed

Indian Pariah Dog Breed
Indian Pariah Dog Breed

Pariah dogs have erect ears, wedge-shaped heads, and curved tails, and are native to the Indian subcontinent. The Indian native dog is also known as INDog, South Asian pye dog, and Desi Dog. A police dog and a guard dog are both often trained from it since it is easily trainable. Dogs like this are examples of an ancient breed called pye-dogs. Dogs could have lived 4,500 years ago, making the ancestry of this dog possible.

Despite the fact that most street dogs in India are actually Indian pye-dogs, the name for this breed is often incorrectly applied to all urban South Asian stray dogs regardless of the fact that some free-ranging dogs in the Indian subcontinent roam freely Due to admixtures with European dog breeds, these dogs are not considered ‘pariahs’ and may not be pure indigenous breeds on the Indian subcontinent.

Indian pariah dog breed History

There are over 150 species of pariah dogs of India, including ones from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and even beyond South Asia. Mohenjo-Daro, an ancient Indian site, was found to have a pariah-like dog skull, and prehistoric rock art depicting the same kind of dog was found at Bhimbetka. As well as several ancient types including the Canaan Dog of Israel and the Australian dingo, it was featured on National Geographic Channel’s Search for the First Dog.

Indian pariah dog breed History
Indian pariah dog breed, History, Appearance, Characteristics full information 2022 6

Dogs had not before been known to native Andamanese, but the introduction of a penal colony there led to the introduction of the Indian pye-dog. It is hard to understand why merchants, who wished to sell their foreign breeds within India, intentionally downplayed the Indian pariah dog during the British Raj, despite the breed is very intelligent and easily trainable. Hundreds of dogs end up being exported out of the Indian subcontinent since their popularity has spread in the West.

An Indian Kennel Club publication published a breed standard in 2015, and the dog has been accepted by the Primitive and Aboriginal Dog Society (PADS), a worldwide association of dog enthusiasts based in the United States.

A growing population of these dogs is seen as a risk by some in society, citing their increased numbers in India in recent years. Dogs that constantly bark and bite people are viewed as nuisances and a menace by the locals. Although most of these attacks are caused by humans distancing themselves from them by attacking them with sticks or by throwing stones at them. Almost every year, more dogs are biting people and more murderers are dying from dog attacks.

The dogs are often unvaccinated because they are largely unvaccinated. It is a good choice to have an Indian Pariah dog as a family pet since it is great with children and adults. They are energetic and great for kids who lead active lives. Dogs called pariahs are among the oldest breeds of dogs in existence today.

A dog like this existed some 4500 years ago, as revealed by archaeological findings. An Indian Pariah dog skull dating to 2500 BCE was uncovered during excavations at the Mohenjo-Daro site in the Sindh region of Pakistan (Indus Valley civilization). Pariah dogs may also be among the oldest dog breeds in the world, as evidenced by cave paintings found across the Indian subcontinent.

    Indian pariah dog breed Appearance

    It can be quite complicated to determine the dog’s size because INDogs have a great deal of variability in size. A healthy dog weighs between 12 and 20kg and stands 51 to 64cm at the shoulder. Dogs can be described as having wedge-shaped heads with relatively large, erect ears. A slight abdominal tuck complements their lean, muscular bodies. They normally hang their tails low and curl them at the tips, but when they become excited, they hold their tails high.

    Indian pariah dog breed Appearance
    Indian pariah dog breed, History, Appearance, Characteristics full information 2022 7

    A coarse, short outer coat covers a softer, inner coat of the INDog. Depending on the variety, the coat can be light fawn or dark-reddish brown. White markings appear on the face, chest, and limb extremities of the coat, which is generally a uniform color. There are a few colors that do occur, but they are much rarer. INDogs come in a variety of blacks and pieds.

    Indian pariah dog breed Character & Temperament

    There is usually a cheerful spirit in an INDog. As part of their everyday life in India, these dogs would interact with many other dogs and people. Dogs and people make up their family group, and they enjoy being around them. When their owners are specific, they often develop a strong bond of loyalty and preference toward them.

    Dogs who live outside their group are known for being territorial. As a result, they make excellent watchdogs, but introducing unfamiliar dogs into their territory may make them hostile. It is a cautious breed that is very alert and likes to weigh whether an immediate threat is present before going into unfamiliar situations. As a result of their cautionary behavior and territorial behaviors, they often bark. Dogs can be noisy creatures!

    Indian pariah dog breed Character & Temperament
    Indian pariah dog breed, History, Appearance, Characteristics full information 2022 8

    Because the INDog had to rely on their own skills to survive in Indian society, they are an intelligent breed. INDogs, on the other hand, will soon become bored by chasing and fetching a ball to exhaustion. They thrive in an environment that offers variety, stimulation, and family time as well as regular physical activity.

    There is yet another huge and surprising difference between Indog and other domestic dogs. The INdog breeds from August to January instead of having sporadic oestrus every 6 months. In the evening and late at night, some dogs may become aggressive towards other males due to their territorial nature. INDogs may show aggressive behavior towards visitors or strangers during this period of high alert.

    Indian pariah dog breed Training

    In fact, INDogs can be trained, although some assert this can’t be done. Training INDogs is easy since they are intelligent breeds. Their eagerness to learn makes them a pleasure to manage. They should be trained early and in accordance with their temperament. Training sessions that seem repetitive will quickly bore most INDogs, so we need to keep them interesting.

    We can keep our kids fresh and responsive by taking them to new places so that they experience new sights and smells. INDogs especially need socialization to flourish. Because they are territorial dogs, they may develop aggressive reactions when they are grown up. When dogs are young, they should be exposed to as many different dogs and people as possible in order to be able to react appropriately in new situations as adults.

     Indian pariah dog breed Health

    In dogs, the average lifespan is 15 years, making them a generally healthy breed. Unlike some European breeds, which are plagued by genetic conditions because of selective breeding for looks rather than natural selection, Asian dogs are not selectively bred for looks. There is very little information available about the causes of death in INDogs. In the absence of road traffic accidents and infectious diseases, tumors and cardiac disease are likely to cause death. There is, however, no predisposition towards certain types of cancer in them.

    FAQ related to Indian pariah dog Breed

    Are Indian pariah dogs aggressive?

    Parah dogs can act aggressively towards other dogs and pets, but their behavior is generally considered mild. As long as they are well acquainted from a young age, they can be friendly and caring. Pariah dogs are usually friendly to other pets, but can occasionally become aggressive towards others due to their territorial nature.

    Are Indian pariah dogs good pets?

    These dogs are highly intelligent, and friendly, which makes them one of India’s most adaptable and flexible dogs. Indian Pariahs are great pets for families as well as excellent companion animals for children. Indian Pariahs are high-energy animals that complement active kids.

    What is the bite force of the Indian Pariah dog?

    Although they resemble hounds, these dogs have muscular and powerful builds. Dogs of this breed possess some of the strongest jaws in the world. They were used for hunting wild boars because of these traits. Between 200 and 220 pounds (90-100 kilograms) are the weights at which they bite.

    How can I tell if my Indian pariah dog is pure?

    There are several kinds of fawn and dark brown colors, with white or black spots often occurring. It is rare to find INDogs that are solid black. Undercoats, limb ends, and tails usually have spots and white markings.

    What are the characteristics of an Indian pariah dog?

    Temperature. The Pariah breed has a high level of alertness and sociality. They are very territorial and defensive, which makes them excellent guards or police dogs. Puppy dogs need good socialization, and if provided with such socialization they do well with families.

    Can Indian pariah dogs be trained?

    The breed is intelligent and adapts quickly to new situations. Using treats as a training tool will be most effective; this breed loves to have its behavior acknowledged. Consequently, calling them Indian Pariah dogs would be misleading as they are often mixed with other breeds.

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